Founder of The Call

Lou Engle


Tell us more about what’s at the heart of TheCall
I first established TheCall in 1999 with Che Ahn, my senior pastor. Our mission is to unite the body of Christ through corporate fasting and prayer according to Joel 2. Massive shifts can take place in a culture, in a society, in a nation, in a spiritual dimension overnight, and issue in new days of restoration and outpourings of the Holy Spirit. Joel 2 says afterward, after the united corporate fast, I will pour out
my spirit. TheCall has seen measures of that kind
of breakthrough.

At TheCall, we value:
Community and Unity—“Where two or three are gathered together in my name…” what they agree upon is symphonic. Covenant unity releases covenant power and so there is a high value on community.

Breakthrough Prayer—We value breakthrough prayer, not 
just ordinary prayer, but extended fasting for breakthrough. For every Call we have extended, widespread fasting in the region or in the nation so breakthrough takes place.

Issue of Justice—We want to bring issues of justice to the forefront. TheCall has always cared about issues like abortion and adoption, and we’ve seen reformation in them. The value of justice and the value of life are important to us.

Sustain what we Gain—We don’t just partake in an event, we seek to establish ongoing prayer, a house of prayer to sustain what we gain.

“Dream Stream” or “Divine Intelligence” – We only do what God is revealing to us through prophetic vision and revelation. In doing so, we are not taking our own initiative but God’s initiative. When he issues those things forward, breakthroughs take place.

What are the most important decisions you make 
as the leader of TheCall?
My leadership style is to collaborate with a team and get 
divine wisdom from the corporate body with my responsibility to say yes. The exciting thing about our community is that God gives dreams to individuals that have the gift of administration. I help to give those dreams the wings they need to take flight.

How did you get connected to The Titus Group?
TheCall had been going strong for about 13 years with incredible breakthroughs and impact. Then, in Nashville on 7/7/07, after the Esther Call in Dallas, we ran into financial challenges because we had supported a prayer walk that took place from Houston to Dallas, praying for women who have had abortions. In Dallas, we then held a Call where Roe v Wade began. These events left TheCall 
in financial difficulty. For two years, we struggled and labored under that burden. We prayed, and a man from Canada gave a word “there is coming a Jubilee to TheCall to release a whole new day and whole new era”.

It was at that point that The Titus Group came into the story. They felt led by the Holy Spirit to write a check for $100,000 and it began a whole new season of restoration that led to this recent Call, AzusaNow, where 70,000 people gathered together, creating a world-wide prayer firestorm. I look back, and it was The Titus Group that was the initial seed, an impetus of a new day, which is leading to a greater expectation, a heightened movement of power and prayer for the third great awakening in America, and a worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit. We are very grateful to The Titus Group for being the key that turned us into a new season of our history.

What lessons can we take from 
your journey with God and ministry with TheCall?
I think the lessons that I would like to share is that God is a big dreamer, and if we would allow ourselves to dare to dream his dream and to step out and take the big risk, we’ll find that God is on the other side. We’ve seen that God is the God who is faithful to keep his promises. The movement of TheCall is a dream movement. A dream that started with praying huge prayers, praying, “How can I turn America back to God?”

Secondly, promises take a lifetime to unfold and be fulfilled. Sometimes we bail out on our promises when we get wounded, when there is opportunity for bitterness. If we will forgive and go through the wilderness days when the promises are not fulfilled, we will find that God is faithful. Part of the great lesson of AzusaNow was that we actually felt TheCall was done when we did the Berkeley Call in 2014. Yet, in 50 days and nights of breakthrough intercession where about 70 people lived together, prayed, and fasted together, it was at that time that God birthed AzusaNow. That which we felt was dead was actually coming to the end of a wilderness season and into a new day of breadth extension of boundaries.

God wants you to live by his promises counting on his faithfulness. What you’re going through right now is not the last story. It’s not the last chapter. There is always an unfolding of God’s faithfulness in promise.

I think those are the major lessons, dream big, ask big, take the big risk, and sustain the vision that God gives to you for a lifetime. Don’t allow failure and bitterness and bitter disappointments to keep you from pressing forward to the prize of that high calling.

What does it mean to be 
an intercessor?
For me, to be an intercessor is to be willing to obey God when he calls you to identify with those for whom you are seeking a breakthrough. In other words, you must be willing to obey God in all of the very difficult steps of obedience; but if he opens your ears to obey it becomes a joy not a sacrifice.

Corporate intercession is God’s way of massive breakthrough intercession. It is the community of unity. The constitution of our community is more important than the passion of our prayer. 
When God finds a community knit together in love, he shares his secrets with them. When those secrets come, faith is born, and that whole community moves in agreeing together, and thus, massive breakthroughs take place.

Explain what Kingdom impact TheCall has had in the world 
since its inception
Firstly, what happened in TheCall created a movement of united prayer that was so visible, the world has seen it on television. It created a whole swirl of new dimensions of expectancy, and for others to hold prayer assemblies. Wherever you go now, you will find people who are doing eight-hour assemblies. TheCall actually gave 
the world a new prototype of united massive fasting and prayer: Joel Chapter 2.

Secondly, wherever TheCall has gone it has created a prayer swirl and prayer movement in its wake. Houses of prayer have risen up; fasting movements have started; anti-sex trafficking and justice movements have begun. These have all sprung out of TheCall. TheCall is like a dream vortex: people come, God encounters them, they go back, and they start their own initiatives.

Something about TheCall marks a generation for radical abandonment 
for Jesus.

What is the biggest challenge facing Christian leaders today?
I think the biggest challenge facing Christian leaders today is, in all the movement to get breakthrough, and through the various dimensions of growth, to keep their hearts close to Jesus.

The pressure of time, of meetings, of commitments, of vision, and in this culture with the pressures of media and social media, the challenge is to keep the first love fires burning. We are seeing many in our streams taking the whole morning just to wait on God and soak in his presence to keep that fire burning.

Second to that, I believe the great challenge is not to build our own ministries, but to recognize that God is in a process of bringing us all together into a divine synergy where we need their ministry and they need ours. Instead of us doing our own thing, we are actually willing to submerge our own ministries into the great chorus and storyline of God.

It’s really a call to humility.

If you had all the money in the world at your disposal, what 
would you do with it?
I would do what I’m doing now 
but in massive expanded ways.

I would use this money to raise up 
SAFA (Spiritual Air Force Academy) bases, training thousands of young people similar to a YWAM (Youth With a Mission) movement that would go into the hardest and darkest places to fast and pray for breakthroughs with divine intelligence. I would target the final unreached people groups to raise up this prayer ideology that would reform missions. That you don’t just send missionaries out on the ground but you also send missionaries to win the battle in the heavens and the two would move together.

I would raise up stadium Christianity with signs and wonders all across the world. Because I am realizing, the worship service of the world is sport, stadiums being filled with soccer and football, but it’s God’s view to take those stadiums and fill them with worship unto God, and fill them with extraordinary signs and wonders and the swirl of prophetic messages that reach the world.

I would raise up houses of prayer in every church, what we call war rooms. That each local church has a house of prayer, a war room that is creating breakthroughs for them.

I would raise up a global 40-day fasting season over the next few years, releasing global outpourings of the Holy Spirit.

I would continue to raise up the pro-life 
movement of Bound4Life. I would use 
finances to fund massive adoption movements as the answer to the ending of abortion. I would fund mission movements that are targeted at the final unreached people groups. This is the agenda of God, that the Gospel must be preached to all ethnic groups; then the end will come.

Then, I want to raise up a worldwide turning of the heart of the Church back to the Jewish people. The final storyline of history… to bring back 
the King.

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