Leanna’s Vision to Reach the Nations

Leanna Cinquanta


TellAsia has a compelling mission, can you tell us more about it?
In response to Christ’s love, TellAsia Ministries was founded with the purpose of serving and mobilizing indigenous leadership to catalyze Gospel movements in strategic unreached regions. This approach
has resulted in one of the most dynamic indigenous movements for Christ in Asia today, with over 100,000 new believers each year despite significant persecution.

By the year 2020 we endeavor to see 20% of the population of the Ganges River area of northern India following Christ, and 1 Million at-risk children provided a basic education and rescued from the threat of becoming victims of child labor and sex trafficking.

What is exciting to you about how 
God is moving in the nations today?
Today God is moving people into a fresh discovery of our purpose as His ambassadors. Cultivating a culture of influencing the world as God’s ambassadors is essential to a life of victory. Salvation and discipleship are not enough, because they are only part of the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached. The Great Commission (Mt. 28:19) is not only for missionaries; the authority to cast out demons, heal the sick and disciple nations is for every believer! Therefore, the fullness of the victory that Christ purchased for us on the Cross is not realized until we also 
join Him in His mission of redeeming 
lost people and planet Earth.

Today is an exciting time as sectors of the Body of Christ discover their God-given authority and mandate to carry Christ’s redeeming work beyond the church walls, beyond the titles of “pastor” or “missionary” into workplaces, schools, governments, sports arenas, and beyond.

How did your supernatural experiences as a child affect 
what you are doing today?
Homeschooled by parents whose pioneer lifestyle defied the word “impossible”, my world pulsed with continuous discovery. Between ages nine and thirteen, I experienced a prophetic spiritual adventure. Almost each night when I lay down to go to bed, I was taken into another realm in which I was paired with a lovely man, and together we journeyed to distant planets to rescue people held captive by evil beings. The experience climaxed with the vicarious death and supernatural resurrection of the man. Being entirely unchurched, I didn’t realize that I had been shown a revelation of Christ as 
well as a prophecy of my future. Instead, I decided that the lovely man was not real and banished the experience from my memory.

By fifteen I had become an equestrian champion with sights fixed on riding in the Olympics. I had also become arrogant and rebellious. In the wee hours of March 28, 1986, Jesus appeared in my room and I became a radical lover of Christ and a passionate evangelist.

My dad interpreted my zeal for God 
as brainwashing and vociferously opposed my desire to read the Bible. 
So I smuggled a Bible outside to a secret place and copied hundreds of key verses onto tracing paper that I made into a tiny booklet. The booklet could easily be hidden under the pages of a horse magazine or a schoolbook. In this way I studied the Bible in secret right in front of my dad. This experience of persecution inspired me to memorize Scripture and established my love for the Word of God.

Years later, the memory of the prophetic childhood experience returned. TellAsia and what we are doing today – rescuing people from spiritual and physical slavery in some of the darkest areas of the world – was prophesied to me by the Holy Spirit when I was a child!

How has The Titus Group assisted 
you in your journey to achieve 
your mission?
Since 2014, The Titus Group has been the financial backbone of the 2020 Network movement in northern India. Without The Titus Group, we would be severely limited in that which constitutes the most essential and powerful part of the 2020 Network movement – the ability to provide Biblical training and evangelistic motivation to the native pastors.

Thanks to this partnership, last year we provided training to over 5,000 native pastors. The Titus Group also enabled us to provide evangelistic outreaches, children’s programs, and other activities. Together, The Titus Group’s influence through TellAsia resulted in over 100,000 new believers and 3,000 new churches planted. With The Titus Group’s extended partnership, we are pressing toward the goal of doubling this impact in the next three years.

What can we do to become 
mature in our identity as ambassadors of hope?
The mandate of every citizen of God’s Kingdom is to make disciples (Mt 28:19) 
of individuals, communities, and nations. Discipleship doesn’t stop with the salvation of souls, but endeavors to see God’s presence and principles of righteousness established and demonstrated “on earth as it is in heaven”. The mature have repented of 
self-focused anti-faith, received healing through the blood of Jesus, and been 
filled by God’s love. They have banished 
small visions and defensive thinking, and have apprehended the awesome authority and purpose with which they are endowed as sons and daughters of 
the King. Thus, firmly identified in Him, they go forth as ambassadors of hope in a world languishing in hopelessness. Guided by the Word of God, the Spirit of God, and the sanctified mind, they find creative ways to penetrate dark places and 
dark lives to bring His love and light.

What is the current dream of your heart for the next generation?

  • End child sex trafficking in the northern India and Nepal border within the next ten years.
  • Catalyze a movement to Christ in the epicenter of Islam.
  • Modify a tool that reaches 500,000,000 people per month so that it will reveal Judeo-Christian principles, contributions, and salvation to the world’s population.
  • Produce a movie akin to Lord of the Rings/Hobbit, which subtly reveals Christ in such a way that the viewer is enveloped in His love.

Lastly, what are you doing to ensure you continue to grow and develop as a Christian leader?
Study of the Word, prayer, and reading quality books according to the leading of the Holy Spirit are all essential parts of my leadership diet. But other menu items are also of great importance to a leader’s ongoing growth and development.
These include:

  • Cultivating Kingdom-expanding relationships with strategic people, as well as patience-expanding relationships with those who remind us to be thankful for what we have.
  • Exercise seeing gems of truth about God, His Kingdom, and His purpose for Planet Earth.
  • Prospecting new opportunities, ideas, and geographies, and taking risks to discover if it is God’s timing to engage those territories for His Kingdom.

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