Saying “Yes” to Making an Eternal Difference

Eliseo is a young man, just 27 years old. He had no plans to serve in full-time ministry like his parents and grandparents. He had a great job in politics with wonderful pay. He was a solid Christian and a lay preacher. One day, he was preaching in a church and someone he didn’t know called him by name. He told Eliseo he was going to plant a church. Eliseo didn’t want to plant a church but after going to a Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) Church Planting Essentials training, the Lord put a burning in his heart for the city and for the young people of Matamoros. Eliseo said ‘yes’ to the Lord’s calling to plant a church in the heart of one of the most dangerous cities in the world.


“Matamoros is a city plagued with daily violence on a level normally seen in war-torn countries.”


Eliseo asked the young people from the NexGen Challenge event to help him to plant the church. NexGen is DCPI’s ministry to the younger generation of church leaders that will lead the church movement of tomorrow. These young people lovingly fought with one another to be a part of the launch team for the new church. Seven NexGen-ers between 17 and 25 years old became the launch team. The church has now been meeting for seven months. The church that started with a pastor and a handful of young people is now 80 people on average. Sixty of those people have found Christ in this new church.


45% of Mexico’s population is 24 years of age or younger


These NexGen-ers embraced the love of God. They got involved with a cause. They found a leader to push them, to believe in them and now the lives of 60 people are changed for eternity. DCPI is helping other young leaders find their purpose and calling to make an eternal difference.


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The Church Brings Hope to a Hurting World

God is using the amazing partnership we have with Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) to extend His Kingdom around the world through DCPI trained church planters.

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A Tremendous Vision for Church Planting

Baptisms at a new House Church plant in Pakistan. God is Moving in Powerful Ways in Pakistan. God is using the amazing partnership we have with Dynamic Church Planting International (DCPI) to extend His Kingdom around the world through DCPI trained church planters.

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Ushering In A New Season of Transformation

The Cambodia Church Planting Center is on the brink of ushering in a new season of transformation and unity among church planters.

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