We are in the business of Kingdom Investing

We partner with God and Kingdom Investors to create a lasting impact in the world. We discover Champions who are called and anointed by God to see His kingdom come on earth. We celebrate the testimonies of lives, communities and nations transformed by God's love and power.



Many people might think that philanthropy in the Kingdom is mostly about giving towards evangelism. Once upon a time, that may have been true. Today, we have a new vision of what Kingdom philanthropy looks like. It is focused on bringing the culture and atmosphere of Heaven to earth. It is not just about saving souls, it is about the transformation of individuals which leads to the transformation of societies.

The Titus Group is strategically positioned to see unique Kingdom stories. We provide partnership opportunities within four different sectors to ensure maximum sustainable Kingdom impact:

Church Multiplication

Impacting communities through training church planters and starting new congregations

Revival & Transformation

Supporting apostolic and prophetic leaders in their divinely inspired mission

Teaching & Equipping

Educating and empowering believers and church leaders to walk in wisdom and power

Gospel Proclamation

Presenting the good news of Jesus through creative and contextualized platforms

We believe that Prophetic Philanthropy is the art of aligning our giving with God's times and seasons and discerning our part in His plans and purposes.


The Titus Group works from a place of revelation to achieve multiplication.

We recommend funding to organisations that are built around a big idea and focused on achieving sustainable, transformational change in the world. We want to see lives and whole cities transformed.

Together with a prophetic edge, our grant-making decisions are guided by the following five principles


Champions are visionaries with divinely inspired strategies and purposeful hearts that take the world for Christ. They have an abiding commitment to see God’s Kingdom come on earth. We focus on champions with proven track records.


A vision can be taken further when organisations are accountable and transparent. Only good governance can deliver sustainable impact. Responsibilities must be clearly outlined, and all members must be on the same page and share a similar vision for the future of the organisation.


Organisations must be able to apply a variety of principles, systems and tools toward the sustainable improvement of key performance metrics. With operational excellence, organisations develop proficient systems in which employees have information and authorisation to solve problems. A key component is leanness, which means avoiding waste by keeping the organisation functioning as efficiently as possible.


Champions should be able to accurately assess the current situation, develop a clear strategic direction for the future and chart the way for the organisation to achieve it. Organisations must be able to identify their strengths, areas of improvement and critical issues, prioritise key vision elements and formulate objectives to help them achieve their ultimate vision.


The project or organisation must have an inspiring vision that benefits communities in the area or region. Champions know that a clear, compelling picture of what success looks like is crucial for engaging and motivating their team.


Programmes that include these five key principles can address the causes and not just the symptoms of unproductive societies. Seen through this prism, social returns on Kingdom philanthropy can more than match those from traditional secular philanthropy.

Our Services

The Titus Group provides exclusive and tailor-made services to our clients worldwide. We keep our clients informed of potential collaborative funding opportunities and connect them to special initiatives within an area of interest.

Through our unique Ladder Framework, we identify or pilot Kingdom initiatives where the incremental dollar will yield the greatest returns.

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